Recent Academic Publications Catalog by Professor Xue Jinjun, Laboratory Director



Recent Academic Publications Catalog by Professor Xue Jinjun, Laboratory Director

(_Underline indicates the primary author, arranged in descending order based on the latest publication date. Clicking on the DOI provides access to the full text.)


1. Liqiao Huang, Yoshikuni Yoshida, Yuan Li, Nan Cheng, Jinjun Xue, Yin Long (2024)

Sustainable lifestyle: Quantification and determining factors analysis of household carbon footprints in Japan, Energy Policy, Vol.186, Pages 114016. SCI % SSCI, IF=9.

2. Bo Meng, Yu Liu, Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Zhi Wang , Jinjun Xue, Robbie Andrew, Kuishuang Feng, Ye Qi, Yongping Sun, Huaping Sun, Keying Wang, Developing countries responsibilities for CO2 emissions in value chains are larger and growing faster than those of developed countries, One Earth, 2023, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages167- 181. SCI, IF=16.2.。DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2023.01.006.

3. 吕越, 张昊天, 薛进军, 赵旭杰. 税收激励会促进企业污染减排吗——来自增值税转型改革的经验证据[J]. 中国工业经济, 2023, (02): 112-130.(中文一类权威期刊) 人大报刊复印资料全文转载,本刊2023年引用论文Top10。

4. 孙倩, 薛进军*. 全球价值链风险、能源安全与“双碳”目标[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2022, 32 (11): 9-18.(注:因疫情影响推迟至 2023 年 2 月刊出,中文二类)中文权威期刊。*通讯作者。

5. Cao Dong, Sun Yanrui, Chai Jian, Xue JinJun, Sun Qian. An assessment of China's joint prevention and control policy on sulfur dioxide emissions reduction: A spatial econometric analysis[J]. Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 2023, 8 (4): 498-511. SIC, IF=6.6.

6. Deng Youyi, Dong Kangyin, Taghizadeh-Hesary Farhad, Xue Jinjun (2023),. How does environmental regulation affect the double dividend for energy firms? Evidence from China’s EPT policy[J]. Economic Analysis and Policy, 79 807-820. SSCI, IF=6.5.

7. M Yuan, H Zhang, Bo Meng, Jinjun Xue, (2023), Non-negligible indirect risks of sea level rise: Evidence from Japan, The 29th International Input-Output Association Conference,

8. Peng Sha, Wang Xiao, Du Qian, Wu Kerong, Lv Tongtong, Tang Zheng, Wei Liyuan, Xue Jinjun, Wang Zhen. Evolution of household carbon emissions and their drivers from both income and consumption perspectives in China during 2010-2017. [J]. Journal of environmental management, 2022, 326 (Pt A): 116624-116624.(SCI一区)SCI. IF=8.91.

10. K Wang, Y Cui, H Zhang, X Shi, J Xue, Z Yuan (2022), Household carbon footprints inequality in China: Drivers, components and dynamics, Energy Economics, 106334. SSCI, SCI. IF=12.4.

11. W Chen, X Sun, L Liu, X Liu, R Zhang, S Zhang, J Xue, Q Sun, M Wang (2022), Carbon neutrality of China’s passenger car sector requires coordinated short-term behavioral changes and long-term technological solutions, One Earth, Cell Press.5 (8). 875-891. IF=14.944. 

12. J Zhang, Y Liu, M Zhou, B Chen, Y Liu, B Cheng, J Xue, W Zhang (2022), Regulatory effect of improving environmental information disclosure under environmental tax in China: From the perspectives of temporal and industrial heterogeneity, Energy Policy 164, 112760. SSCI, IF=7.576. 

13. Jingwen Huo, Jing Meng, Zengkai Zhang, Yuning Gao, Heran Zheng, D'Maris

Coffman, Jinjun Xue , Yuan Li, Dabo Guan (2021), Drivers of fluctuating embodied

carbon emissions in international services trade, One Earth (Cell Vol. 4, No.9, pp. 13 22 1332, SCI, IF=14.944.

14. Yin Long, Yoshi kuni Yoshida, Isabella Yunfei Zeng, Jinjun Xue, Yuan Li (2021),

Fuel Specific Car Specific Carbon Footprint Embodied in Japanese Household Lifestyle, Earth's Future, Vol. 9, No.6, SCI. IF=8.85.

15. Wendong Wei, Jiashuo Li and Jinjun Xue, al et, (2021), Embodied greenhouse gas emissions from building China’s large-scale power transmission infrastructure, Nature Sustainability, IF=16.22.


17. Larry Li, Adela McMurray, Xiaomeng Li, Yuning Gao, Jinjun Xue * (2021), The diminishing marginal effect of R&D input and carbon emission mitigation, Journal of Cleaner Production, SIC. IF=11. *C*Correspondent author.,

18. Ya Zhou, Yuli Shan, Dabo Guan, Xi Liang, Yanpeng Cai, Jingru Liu, Wei Xie, Jinjun Xue, Zhuguo Ma & Zhifeng Yang (2020), Sharing tableware reduces waste generation, emissions and water consumption in China’s takeaway packaging waste dilemma, Nature Food 1, 552–561, 15. IF=23.2.

19. Yuning Ga, Meng Li, Jinjun Xue, Yu Liu (2020), Evaluation of effectiveness of China's carbon emissions trading scheme in carbon mitigation, Energy Economics, August 2020. SSIC, IF=12.4.

20. Larry Li, Adela McMurrayb, Xiaomeng Lic ,Yuning Gaod and Jinjun Xue* (2020), The Diminishing Marginal Effect of R&D Input and Carbon Emission Mitigation, Journal of Cleaner Production, IF=11. 124423. (*Corresponding author)

21. Zhu Liu, …Jinjun Xue, et al (2020), Near-real-time monitoring of global CO2 emissions reveals the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nature Communications, SCI, IF=16.6. DOI.10.1038/s41467-020-18922-7. 

22. Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Jinjun Xue and YuLiu (2020), Evaluation of effectiveness of China's carbon emissions trading scheme in carbon mitigation, Energy Economics, Volume 90, 104872 SSIC, IF=9.252.

23. Hongwu Zhang, Xunpeng Shi, Keying Wang, Jinjun Xue, Ligang Song, Yongping Sun(2019),Intertemporal Lifestyle Changes and Carbon Emissions: Evidence from a China Household Survey, Energy Economics, Vol. 86, SSIC. IF=9.252. .

24. Qian Wang, Klaus Hubacek, Kuishuang Feng, Lin Guo, Kun Zhang, Jinjun Xue; Qiao-Mei Liang, (2019), Distributional impact of carbon pricing in Chinese Provinces, Energy Economics, April 1 2019. SSIC, IF=9.252.

25. Qanrun Chen, Andreas Löschel, Jiansuo Pei, Glen P. Peters, Jinjun Xue, Zhongxiu Zhao, “Processing trade, foreign outsourcing and carbon emissions in China”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 49, 2019, pages 1-12, ISSN 0954-349X, SSCI, IF=1.557.

26. Yongping Sun, Jinjun Xue, Xunpeng Shi, et al (2018), “A dynamic and continuous allowances allocation methodology for the prevention of carbon leakage: Emission control coefficients”, Applied Energy, 236(220-230) SCI, IF=11.446.

27. Hao Xiao, Ke-Juan Suna, Hui-Min Bia, Jinjun Xue (2018), Changes in carbon intensity globally and in countries: Attribution and decomposition analysis, Energy Economics, 235. 1492-1504,SSIC, IF=9.252.

28. Zhan-Ming Chen, Stephanie Ohshita, Dabo Guan, Jinjun Xue et al (2018), “Consumption-based Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting with Capital Stock Change Highlights Dynamics of Fast-developing Countries”, Nature Communications, 9 (1): 3581, IF=16.6.

29. Meng, B., Liu, Y., Andrew, R., Zhou, M., Hubacek, K., Xue, J., Peters, G., Gao, Y. (2018). “More than half of China’s CO2 emissions are from micro, small and medium-sized enterprises”, Applied Energy, 230:712-725. SIC, IF=11.446.

30. Larry Li, Adela McMurray, Jinjun Xue, Zhu Liu and Malick Sy(2018), “Corporate Ownership, Efficiency and Performance Under State Capitalism: Evidence from China”, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol.40, No. 4, pp.747-766, SSCI, IF=2.36.