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  • Laboratory Director

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    Xue Jinjun

    Laboratory Director

    Chief Expert

    Nagoya University Distinguished Professor

    Detailed Introduction

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    Tang Renhu

    Laboratory Co-Director


    SinoCarbon Innovation and Investment Co., Ltd.
    Detailed Introduction

    Chairman of Academic Committee

    • TADASHI SONODAProfessor at the School of Economics, Nagoya University


    Vice Chairman of Academic Committee

    • Gao YuningAssociate Professor at the School of Public Administration, Tsinghua University, and Director of the Carbon Neutrality Center at Tsinghua University Carbon Neutrality Research Institute.
    • Meng BOSenior Researcher at the Institute of Asian Economic Studies, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)




    • Pan Jiahua(Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Academic Division; Member of the National Climate Change Expert Committee.)
    • Li TingManaging Director and Chief Representative of the China Office at Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), USA.
    • Zhao Zhongxiu(President of University of Business and Economics; Chairman of the Instruction Committee for Higher Education in Economics and Trade Majors, Ministry of Education.)
    • Jiang QingzheFormer Party Secretary of the University of International Business ,Economics and the current President of the China International Carbon Neutrality and Economic Research Institute.
    • Wu Libo(Vice Dean of the Big Data Research Institute at Fudan University, and Director of the Center for Energy Economics and Strategic Studies.)
    • Hao RenpingDean of the Faculty of Economics at Toyo University.
    • KYOJI FUKAOSpecial Professor at Hitotsubashi University, Director of the Institute of Asian Economic Studies at the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).





    • Xue JinjunDirector of the Laboratory, Distinguished Professor of Nagoya University)
    • Tang RenhuCo-Director of the Laboratory, Visiting Professor of Nagoya University, President of SinoCarbon Co., Ltd.
    • TADASHI SONODA(Chairmen of the Academic Comittee, Professor at the School of Economics, Nagoya University
    • Gao Yuning(Vice Chairmen of the Academic Comittee, Associate Professor at the School of Public Management, Tsinghua University.)
    • Meng Bo(Vice Chairmen of the Academic Comittee, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Asian Economic Studies, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO))
    • Zhang Binliang (Visiting Faculty of Nagoya University, Director of Education&Training Department of SinoCarbon)
    • Chen Nan (Visiting Faculty of Nagoya University, Vice Director of Research Insititute of SinoCarbon)
    • Wang Qianlu (Laboratory Director Secretary, Assistant of President of SinoCarbon Co., Ltd.)